King Sound



There’s not much to photograph at King Sound near Derby. That is until you take to the skies where you can fully appreciate the extraordinary patterns etched into the vast tidal floodplain. And it’s in the book on pages 38 & 39. Cheers.

~ by davidbettini on October 9, 2009.

28 Responses to “King Sound”

  1. Thats insane, must make your hair stand on end when viewing from the sky
    Awesome image, I think I need to buy your book !!

    • Cheers Adrian. I do heaps of aerial photography and can actually fly a small plane. From up above is often the only way to get the full perspective on things! Yep I can get you a book if your still keen.

  2. Hey Dave that looks like a painting, stunning stuff.

  3. Yep, another one of my favourite’s from the Kimberley book. I like the one’s on page 168 and 180 as well, you’d better throw them up one day Dave.

    I pretty well like every image from the front cover to the back cover and i can highly recommend this particular book to everyone , if you didn’t like it you’d be pretty hard to please I’d say.

  4. Great Shot David ,
    The floodplains really make some interesting patterns

  5. I have flown in and out of Derby a few times and it is an extrordinary landscape. Even more so as you fly toward Talbot Bay!
    Great image David.


  6. Awesome image Dave – one of the best tidal/tributary pattern ones that I have seen to be honest !

  7. these images are getting better and better- i reckon Tony’s comment sums it up right there. the m ore I look at this the more and more I love it 🙂
    was this out of a copter as well?? i’d imagine it would be to get such spot on composition from the skies??

  8. Perfect shot David,
    The tributaries look like tree roots, or veins. Just fabulous.

  9. Wow another amazing view Dave. Looks like all these plane trips certainly pay off. You shooting mostly digital in the air.

    • Hi Matt.
      This one was taken a few years ago so it was shot on film. I’m still holding onto my Linhof 617 for the moment cause you can’t stitch from the air!

  10. Stunning image mate.

  11. I told you that you were becoming an artist!

  12. yep absolutely brilliant. You are an artist mate!! hehe

  13. Very cool landscape.

  14. Very very nice David. I remember when I spoke to you about this place and you told me that around Derby Id get some nice shots from the air… I dont think I got anything quite like this as your image is amaziong… Ill try and post one soon
    Thanks again for yoru advice

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